Getting Started

- Getting ready for the program: The earlier you begin to prepare for your apprenticeship, the better. It is important to research the trade you are interested in before registering for apprenticeship. There are also many pre-apprenticeship programs available that teach you the basic skills and knowledge needed to enter a trade. These programs are designed to help you become familiar with the trade and make it easier to find an employer when you are ready to start your apprenticeship. Pre-apprenticeship programs may also help you earn credit towards the completion of your apprenticeship.
- Finding an employer: Employers are always looking for individuals to add to their team and invest in. Once you have done your research, apply to employers directly. You can receive assistance connecting with employers by visiting a Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre. Gateway programs also exist to help individuals who may need to overcome barriers in their apprenticeship and employment.
- Registration Checklist:
- You have found an employer to sponsor your apprenticeship.
- You have received your grade 12 diploma or completed your courses as an Access Program Trainee in lieu of a grade 12 diploma.
- You have all information and proof of any past experience you may have, such as prior learning, transfer credits, job training, or technical training.
- You are aware of the required $50 apprenticeship application fee and any fees applicable when applying at your college of choice.
- You know your responsibilities as an apprentice (see Plan for Success page for more detail).
Register your Apprenticeship: After you have completed your research, looked over your registration checklist, and found an employer, you can register your apprenticeship. Either you or your employer can fill out the application, however information and signatures from both parties is required. The start date of your apprenticeship will be based upon the submission date of the apprentice-completed portion of your application and the application fee. Apply through AccessManitoba by creating an account online and following the steps provided to you. Your application can also be submitted through the mail by printing the form and signing in ink where specified on the form. Applications without the fee attached will not be considered until the fee is received.